
ライシャワー エドウィン(Reischauer Edwin Oldfather) 07の東洋学者,日本研究家 日本交渉学会名誉会長;元・駐日米国大使;元・ハーバード大学教授。 国籍アメリカ 1910~1990 日本で生まれ育ち、1927年19歳で帰国。ハーバード大学大学院に進み、’33〜38年パリ大学、北京の大学、東京大学、京都大学に留学。’39年慈覚大師円仁の研究でハーバード大学で博士号を取得し、同年より同大学講師。第二次大戦中、日本の専門家として国務省、陸軍省に動員され、対日情報戦に従事した。’46年ハーバード大学助教授、’50年教授。’56〜61年同大学燕京研究所長、極東語学部副部長を歴任。’61年ケネディ政権下で駐日大使となり、以来5年間、安保闘争でささくれだった日米関係の緊密化につとめ、“ライシャワー時代”という新たな一ページをしるした。’66〜81年再びハーバード大学教授。’72年国際交流基金諮問委員。’89年6月日本交渉学会名誉会長。「世界史上の円仁―唐代中国への旅」「米国と日本」「ライシャワーの見た日本―日米関係の歴史と展望」「ザ・ジャパニーズ」「日本への自叙伝」など日本関係の著書多数。米国の知日派の第一人者。ハル(春)夫人は明治の元勲・松方正義の孫。 出典 日外アソシエーツ「20世紀日本人名事典」(2004年刊)<21世紀日本人名事典>より作成
日本人は極度に自尊心が敏感で、強度に民族主義的な人民(nationalistic people)であります。戦争に敗北することは、日本人のなかに残っている数少ない自由主義者さえ、幻滅に落とし込むであろうことは疑いがありません。戦後の日本を友好的で協力的な国家の仲間に引き戻すためには多くの日本人の協力が必要でありますが、わが国の政策に誠実に協力するような日本人を十分な頭数(sufficient numbers of Japanese)我々の側に転向させること
ドイツとイタリアでは、ナチとフアシストの統治に対する自然な嫌悪を期待できます(それはとても強い感情でしょうから、この嫌悪のおかげで人口の大きな部分が国際連合(the United Nations)に協力する政策の側に支持を切り替えることになるでしょう。これとは対照的に日本では、戦後の勝利に至るこのような容易な方法は可能ではありません。日本では、注意深く計画された戦略を通じて思想戦(ideological battles)を勝ち取ることが我
々には期待されるでしよう。当然のことながら、第一歩は、喜んで協力する集団を我々の側に転向させることであります。そのような集団が口本人の少数派しか代表しない場合には、我々 に喜んで協力する集団は、いわば傀儡政権ということになるでしょう。日本は何度も傀儡政府の戦略に訴えてきましたが、たいした成功を収めることはできませんでした。というのも、彼らが用いた傀儡が役不足だったからであります。ところが、日本それ自身が我々の日標に最も適ったか依頼を作り上げてくれております。それは、我々の側に転向させることができるだけでなく、中国での日本の傀儡が常に欠いていた素晴らしい権威の重みをそれ自身が担っております。もちろん、私が言おうとしているのは、日本の天皇のことであります。
戦後に日本人が(敗戦によって受けるであろう)精神的な傷から回復するために天皇が演じることができる役割は、現在の状況と確実に関係しております。戦争終結の後の思想戦のために、天皇を貴重な同盟者あるいは傀儡として使用可能な状態に温存するためには、現在の戦争によって汚点がつかないように、我は彼を隔離しておかなければならないのであります。換言いたしますと、アメリカの人びとに対して、天皇をアジアにおけるヒトラーやムッソリーニの等価物、あるいは日本版の全体主義を体現する人格であるかのように宣伝することを許してはならないのであります。新聞やラジオで天皇を広く冒涜することは、戦後の世界において我々にとっての彼の利用可能性を容易に損なうことになりかねません。このような政策をとるかぎり、我々 の道具として、天皇に協力したり、あるいは極端な場合には、天皇を受け人れたりする心の準備をアメリカの人びとから奪い取ってしまうことになるでありましょう。当然その結果として、天皇自身と天皇周辺の人びとはわが政府に協力する気持ちが弱まるでありましよう。過去数カ月、裕仁という名前は邪悪な日本の体制を象徴するものとしてかなり使われて参りました。戦後問題を考慮して、政府におかれましては、本邦の報道波及機関に対しまして、裕仁への言及をできるかぎり避けること、むしろ東条あるいは山本、さらには滑稽な神話的人物ミスター・モト──軍服姿で──を現在わが国が戦争状態にある敵国日本の人格的具現として使用するよう、ご指導されるべきかと考える次第であります。

ミスター=モト 作家ジョン・P・マーカンドが生み出天皇直属の秘密情報部員。常に微笑を絶やさず、やたらと「アイム・ソーリー」を連発し慇懃無礼で一見冴えない男に見えますが、その正体は柔和な表情の下にどんな白人にも物怖じしない度胸と鋭い頭脳を隠し、小柄な体の下に大男もねじ伏せる怪力と鮮やかに敵を倒す柔術の業を極めた、行動力もピカ一の日本屈指の秘密情報部員。(http://www.aga-search.com/)

第二次世界大戦における日系二世将兵を称えた議会名誉黄金勲章(表) 米第442連隊戦闘団は、第二次世界大戦中のアメリカ陸軍が有した連隊規模の部隊である。士官などを除くほとんどの隊員が日系アメリカ人により構成されていた。ヨーロッパ戦線に投入され、枢軸国相手に勇戦敢闘した。その激闘ぶりはのべ死傷率314%(のべ死傷者数9,486人)という数字が示している。アメリカ合衆国史上もっとも多くの勲章を受けた部隊としても知られる。 第二次世界大戦中、約33,000人の日系二世がアメリカ軍に従軍し、そのほとんどは本団、第100歩兵大隊、アメリカ陸軍情報部の3部隊のいずれかに配属された。(Wikipedia「第442連隊戦闘団」より)
1941(昭和 16)年 9 月 14 日
エドウィン.O ・ライシャワー 極東言語学科教員@ハーバード大学
———– 以 下 原 文————————————-
I should like to present for consideration two small but extremely important points which are closely connected with our war effort in Asia and particularly with our post-war objectives in that area. Military victory is, of course, the essential prerequisite for any war objective, but certain of the more fundamental problems of winning the peace cannot be overlooked in the meantime.
The Japanese are an extremely self-conscious and intensely nationalistic people. Military defeat will unquestionably embitter even the few remaining liberals among them. It will be an extremely
difficult task after the war to win over to a policy of sincere cooperation with us sufficient numbers of Japanese to bring Japan back into the family of friendly and cooperating nations.
Many Americans believe that Japanese good-will and cooperation will be of little significance after this war, but it is all too clear to serious students of the Far East that a healthy political and
economic situation can not be created in that area without the participation of the people of Japan.
One of the major difficulties in attempting to win the Japanese over to our system after this war will be the absence of suitable scapegoats to bear the onus of defeat. In Germany and Italy the
Nazi and Fascist parties, and still more Hitler and Mussolini, the personifications of the whole totalitarian system, make most convenient scapegoats. The defeated Germans and Italians can
destroy their dictatorial party government and discard their present leadership and by these very acts convince themselves that not they, the people, but their evil leaders were at fault and were defeated.
In Japan no such face-saving repudiation of leadership is possible. That the Emperor is not responsible, all the people know full well, and to repudiate him would be no more satisfactory than to blame the flag. Actual leadership in Japan tends to remain anonymous, there is no party to be blamed, and there are few, if any, prominent individuals who could serve as scapegoats. The army would be the only institution which could be singled out as the false leader and evil genius,but almost the whole nation now is identified with the army in one way or another, and with their long tradition of respect for the military man, the Japanese would derive no satisfaction from
attacking their army. In fact, military defeat might well serve to strengthen rather than to overthrow military dictatorship in Japan.
In Germany and Italy we can expect to see a natural revulsion against Nazi and Fascist rule, a revulsion so strong that it will carry a large percentage of the population over to a policy of cooperation with the United Nations. In Japan, on the contrary, no such easy road to post-war victory is possible. There we shall have to win our ideological battles by carefully planned strategy. A first step would naturally be to win over to our side a group willing to cooperate. Such a group, if it represented the minority of the Japanese people, would be in a sense a puppet regime. Japan has used the strategem of puppet governments extensively but with no great success
because of the inadequacy of the puppets. But Japan itself has created the best possible puppet for our purposes, a puppet who not only could be won over to our side but who would carry with him a tremendous weight of authority, which Japan’s puppets in China have always lacked. I mean, of course, the Japanese Emperor.
No one in this country is in a position to know what the Japanese Emperor personally believes,but there is good reason to judge from his education and from the associates he has had for the greater part of his life that, as things are measured in Japan, he is a liberal and a man of peace at heart. It is not improbable that he could be won over to a policy of cooperation with the United Nations far more easily than the vast majority of his subjects. He, and possibly, he alone, could influence his people to repudiate their present military leadership. If he proves to have the potentialities of a real leader like his grandfather, so much the better. If he proves to be no more able than his half-demented father, his value as a symbol of cooperation and good will can still be extremely valuable.
The possible role of the Japanese Emperor in the post-war rehabilitation of the Japanese mentality has definite bearing upon the present situation. To keep the Emperor available as a valuable ally or puppet in the post-war ideological battle we must keep him unsullied by the present war. In other words, we cannot allow him to be portrayed to the American people as the counterpart of Hitler and Mussolini in Asia or as the personification of the Japanese brand of totalitarianism.
General reviling of the Emperor by our press or radio can easily ruin his utility to us in the post-war world. It would make the American people unprepared to cooperate with him or even to accept him as a tool. And naturally it would make the Emperor himself and the men who surround him less ready to cooperate with our government. During the past several months there has been considerable use of the name Hirohito as a symbol of the evil Japanese system. With the
post-war problem in mind, it would be highly advisable for the government to induce the news-disseminating organs of this country to avoid reference to the Emperor as far as possible and to use individuals, such as Tojo or Yamamoto or even a mythical toothsome Mr. Moto (in uniform!) as personifications of the Japan we are fighting.
The second and more important point I wish to make has to do with the inter-racial aspects of the conflict in Asia. Japan is attempting to make her war against the United Nations into a holy crusade of the yellow and brown peoples for freedom from the white race. China’s courageous stand has prevented Japan from exploiting this type of propaganda too much, but it has apparently met with a certain degree of success in Siam and the colonial lands of southeastern Asia and even in a few circles in China. If China were to be forced out of the war, the Japanese might be able to transform the struggle in Asia in reality into a full-scale racial war.
The best proof of the falsity of Japanese claims is America’s record both in the Philippines and in China. However, on the other side, we have also unwittingly contributed to Japan’s dangerous propaganda campaign. The removal from the West Coast of the American citizen of Japanese ancestry along with the Japanese aliens was no doubt a move made necessary by immediate military considerations, but it provided the Japanese with a powerful argument in their attempt to
win the Asiatic peoples to the view that the white race is not prepared to recognize them as equals and even now continues to discriminate against them.
Up to the present the Americans of Japanese ancestry have been a sheer liability to our cause, on the one hand presenting a major problem of population relocation and military surveillance in this
country and on the other hand affording the Japanese in Asia with a trump propaganda card. We should reverse this situation and make of these American citizens a major asset in our ideological war in Asia. Their sincere and enthusiastic support of the United States at this time would be the best possible proof that this is not a racial war to preserve white supremacy in Asia, but a war to establish a better world order for all, regardless of race, and, when the military victory is achieved, these American citizens of Japanese ancestry could serve as an opening wedge into the minds and hearts of the Japanese people. That they had fought willingly and gladly for our side would prove to the Japanese people that this was not simply a war to defeat them as a people, but was a war to crush the wild schemes of their military clique and to win Japan back to a system of
international cooperation.
There are probably many methods by which the Japanese Americans can be made an asset rather than a liability, but among the most effective methods would be to encourage them to join the
armed forces, and to give them training in political thinking and for specialized services, military or civilian, they can render during and after the war. If they knew they were wanted and that opportunities for advancement were open to them, large numbers of young Japanese would certainly be glad to volunteer. A special volunteer unit of Japanese Americans and other Americans who desired to serve with them could easily be formed for combat service in the
European or African zones, where it would probably be as effective as any other unit and where it would cause no special disciplinary or organizational difficulties.
The inclusion of large numbers of Japanese Americans in combat units would strengthen the morale of the whole Japanese American group and would help to keep it loyal to the United States. More important, when the war in the Pacific is ended, such a unit might prove an invaluable asset in lessening the inevitably animosity of the Japanese populace for us and our troops. If liberal numbers of Japanese Americans were to be among the troops of occupation we
may station in Japan or were to be among the units which receive the surrender of the Japanese armies, the bitterness of the defeat would be alleviated slightly and cooperation with the victor nations would seem more possible to the Japanese. The enthusiastic and active participation of 100,000 Japanese Americans and of these Japanese American troops in the cause of the United Nations could be made into a tremendous strategical advantage in the great struggle to win the peace in Asia.
Edwin O. Reischauer
Faculty Instructor in Far Eastern
September 14, 1942 Harvard University
※忘馬楼の「老馬新聞」2008 年 5 月 24 日(http://16.huu.cc/~mamo/bd080524.htm)より転載。